Kids Nowdays, We Must Worried
Today, children know more about Justin Bieber than they know about
Allah. They know more about Hannah Montana than they know about
our Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wasalam. They know more about HP
and Twilight more than ALQURAN .They know more about Drake and
Gaga and this show and that show than they know about our anbiyaa’,
our real examples. And this problem can only be solved by raising kids
from the start on Islam- from Day 1. That’s when it should all begin.
Allah. They know more about Hannah Montana than they know about
our Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wasalam. They know more about HP
and Twilight more than ALQURAN .They know more about Drake and
Gaga and this show and that show than they know about our anbiyaa’,
our real examples. And this problem can only be solved by raising kids
from the start on Islam- from Day 1. That’s when it should all begin.